Sebastian Indian Social Projects

  • an average of 50 school drop-outs   (7y.- 18y.) are getting free second chance education, transfer by our bus to and from our center, breakfast and lunch, school allowance, medical care, ....
  • our family welfare now guide and supports nearly 300 of the poorest families
  • 48 micro credit unions for women in the surrounding villages are running and many of them have started self-employment
  • many women and unemployed youngsters from families, living below poverty line, got skill training and are working in our social employment units
  • 40 old students of our center and children from families, living below poverty line, are having "after class tuition" in our center
  • nearly 30 of our students could move on from our center to regular schools or to the public 7th and 10th grade exams
  • lots of youngsters found better paid jobs in or outside Kerala after leaving our center
  • several youngsters moved to higher education in several disciplines (computer science, bachelor economics, aviation maintenance, nursing, pre-degree in different subjects....) with a SISP scholarship

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